
Fax Numbers  
Probation Department 734-671-4853
Civil Department 734-671-0307
Criminal Traffic Department 734-675-3918
Department Phone
Probation Department 734-671-0224
Criminal / Traffic Departments 734-671-0223
Civil Department 734-671-0225
Court Administrator, Amy Zawacki 734-671-0371
Systems Administrator, Shane MacIntyre 734-671-2444
Courtroom 1, Office of the Honorable. Jennifer Coleman Hesson (734) 671-2458
Courtroom 3, Office of The Honorable Michael McNally (734) 671-2442
Civil, Criminal, and Probation Departments  
Court Supervisor, Joni Swanson (734) 671-2451
Court Supervisor, Jennifer Wiseman (734) 671-2450
Court Supervisor, Lisa Darville (734) 671-2443
Director of Probation, Elizabeth Wilds (734) 671-2445