Criminal and Traffic Division
The Criminal & Traffic Division handles cases for offenses that were committed, and/or citations that were, issued within the communities of Brownstown, Flat Rock, Gibraltar, Grosse Ile, Rockwood, Trenton, and Woodhaven.
- If you were issued a citation or arrested for a traffic violation – please see “Traffic Cases” below.
- If you were issued a citation or arrested for a non-traffic related matter or for committing a felony – please see “Criminal Cases” below.
- If you were issued a citation for violating a local ordinance, such as a building code violation, animal violations, etc – please see “Local Ordinances” below for more information.
If you are not sure what kind of case you have, please visit the court in person or call (734) 671 – 0201, then at the main menu, please press “0” to speak with the next available clerk during normal court hours of 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday – Friday.
Traffic Cases
The 33rd District Court’s Traffic Division handles cases where a traffic violation has occurred. The two types of traffic violations are:
- Civil Infractions
Civil Infractions, marked as “C. I.” on a ticket, are minor traffic violations, such as speeding, illegal turns, booster seat violations, seatbelt violations, etc. Civil Infraction traffic violations are non-criminal violations and punishable by only fines and costs. Depending on the violation, the Secretary of State may add points to your driving record.
- Misdemeanors
Misdemeanors, marked as “Misd” on a citation, are usually more serious traffic violations that can result in arrest. The maximum penalty for crimes in this category is $1,000 and/or up to one year in jail. Most misdemeanor cases require a mandatory court appearance. Failure to appear can result in a warrant for your arrest.
Criminal Cases:
The 33rd District Court’s Criminal Division handles the following types of cases:
- All misdemeanor cases, from arraignment through sentencing
- All felony cases, from arraignment through the preliminary exam
Local Ordinances:
Local Ordinance violations are citations issued by a Police Officer, or person authorized by the local community, for violating an ordinance created by the local township or city government.
Local Ordinances violations will either be marked “C.I.” for a Civil Infraction, or “Misd” for a Misdemeanor violation.
Typical Ordinance violations may be for the following:
- Animal Violations (Cruelty, Excessive Noise, No Leash, etc.)
- Anti-Blight (Tall grass, debris on property, junked vehicles, etc.)
- Building Code Violations
- Disorderly Conduct
- Distracted Driving (Driving while using cell phone)
- False Alarms
- Littering
- Marine Violations
- Operating a Business without a license
- Parking Violations
- Trespassing
- Zoning Ordinance Violations
While this is not a complete list of Local Ordinances, your local community government will be able to provide more information on the local ordinances in your community.